Jyrki Katainen (Politician)

We will agree on the pact today, says Finnish PM

Interviu cu Vicepresedintele Comisiei Europene, Jyrki Katainen

Soome peaminister Jyrki Katainen - Linda toetuseks

Finnish PM Jyrki Katainen arrives at the March 2013 EU Summit - Day 2

From Policy to Banking with Jyrki Katainen | Fintech Daydreaming S10E09

Jyrki Katainen, Vice President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, European Commission

Katainen “open” to consider tweaks to competition policy

Finnish Prime Minister Jykri Katainen arrives at the May 2013 EU Summit

Commission expects Greece to fulfil its promises, says Katainen

9/1/16: Declarații de presă - Dacian Cioloş - Jyrki Katainen

Jyrki Katainen, Eurooppa-foorumi 2023

Finnish PM: We are in favor of a treaty change

Finnish PM pushes to avoid Spain bailout

Vice-President Jyrki Katainen: Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness

VP Jyrki Katainen's message on #InvestEU

The Future of Europe by Mr Jyrki KATAINEN, Vice President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competi

Finnish PM says avoiding contagion is priority

We may not decide on Schengen tonight, says Finnish PM

Jyrki Katainen comments on circular economy

Katainen: small 'window of opportunity' to avoid Trump trade war

Jyrki Katainen - 7th European Summit of Regions and Cities

SMU PDLS: Lecture by Jyrki Katainen, 25 Sept 2015

VP Katainen on AmCham EU Single Market study

Katainen: Spying cannot be avoided